Waiting to Fall Off – Jade Trim

By July 23, 2012 2012 runner up

Waiting to Fall Off
His hedge is a different shape
each time; I think he lives here
but I don’t really know;
the seal does. He smirks and shows off
to the mermaid
who sits on her tail and watches.
Once I sat on his lap and watched him
take out his teeth;
his top lip swallowed his bottom
and all the tattoos up his arm
of boobs
and The Sailor Man.
His legs were red kumara
just waiting to be picked,
waiting to fall off.
Most of the other people here
are nurses
on their day off.
We’re all doing fine;
Helen’s annoying us
just like usual.
Some lady got up and
said a tribute to you
about somebody else.

Jade Trim
Yr 13, Taradale High School


  • Helen Jefferys says:

    A great Tribuite Jade for your great Uncle Brian who lived at your great Nanna’s house, The house with the ornamental gardens filled with Gnomes and Seals and Memmaids, what fun we had there.
    Brian was a wonderful gardener and he always kept Nanna’s garden “neatly shaped”. So sad that his ulcerated legs got the better of him but Im sure he would be having a good laugh at your Poem.
    (laughing so much his teeth are probably falling out)
    Keep up the great work Jade.
    Helen(the annoying one)

  • Alice says:

    Wow cousin, you are a wonderful poet. Awesome work. We should share someday and write poetry together. <3 Are you thinking of doing IOWA workshop someday? I will be applying sometime in the future with a full portfolio. 🙂 miss you!
    Alice x

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