graduation – Victoria Sun

By August 19, 2020 September 10th, 2020 2020 runner up


At our last sleepover
it is hailing, a great excuse for
instant ramen. My friend yells from the kitchen,
asking how much spice I want.
None,​ I say.
She shouts back ​weak​.
I surprise her with a back hug
which she leans into
after reaching around with her hand to smack me.

Then we want
something sweet;
with the only three spoons we can find,
we pass around a tub of ice cream

and I am crying
because I am leaving
for my promised-land, but
without my friends, I am a more scared adventurer;
I shine less brightly and feel the cold more often and I already miss
looking forward to shelter on return.

It’s okay,​ they say, and I tire anyway
so we fit into a pile
on the bedroom floor.
Sleepy, we play truth-or-dare which is fun
even when we know most of the answers to the truths.


Victoria Sun
Year 13
Epsom Girls’ Grammar School


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